
TeleResult staff need to ensure that confidential company documents are not inadvertently released to unauthorised individuals or third parties.

Staff have frequent interaction with clients and callers, and these interactions are covered by our Confidentiality agreements. Some documents need to be labelled as "Commercial in Confidence" before they can be released, as we require the recipient not to distribute the information to a third party outside their organisation. Others may not be released at all. So what do staff need to do?

Interactions and what labelling is required

1. Client Requests for information

We can provide TeleControl reports and other information in emails to approved client contacts without any additional labelling, as all our emails are tagged with a confidentiality notice.


2. Client Monthly or Consulting Reports

We provide clients with regular monthly reports and ad hoc consulting reports, including 

  • TED (Telecoms Expense Dashboard)
  • EMMS Reports
  • Consulting report 

These detailed reports include TeleResult specialist analysis, specialist advice or specialist reporting formats

This information is commercially sensitive since if it is distributed to a competitor it would allow them to copy the report format or provide consulting advice.

So to keep the information confidential we release to the client labelled as "Commercial in Confidence", which indicates to the client they must not distribute to a third party.

If the standard templates are used for these reports the confidentiality labelling is built into the template. If a report is developed without using a TeleResult template then the Commercial in Confidence label should be added to the footer of the report on each page. 

3. Client Requests for copies of their own contacts.

Sometimes we receive requests to provide clients with copies of their own supplier contracts. As these are already the client's property they can be provided to approved client contacts without any additional labelling, as all our emails are tagged with a confidentiality notice. 

4. Proposals

Our proposals for our services to clients are always Commercial in Confidence as they contain pricing and details of specific services we can provide to the client.

5. Other

When assessing whether a document requires labelling see examples above, or review the definitions below. Any documentation that contains commercially sensitive information that is not to be released externally should be labelled "Internal Use Only".

What does “Commercial in Confidence” mean and how to use it

The classification of a document as “Commercial in Confidence”, applies when 


  • Classification criteria: TeleResult sensitive information is to be shared with another party in confidence. The party receiving this information is obligated to not disclose or use that information without consent, either due the confidentiality notice on the email or a confidentiality agreement between TeleResult and the third party (for example a client or supplier)

  • Storage: Copies of sensitive documentation should be stored in SharePoint or corporate OneDrive only if labelled with “Commercial in Confidence”.

  • Access restriction: Information can only be released to a third party if the documentation is labelled. Some staff may only have read-only access or no access to “Commercial in Confidence” documents in SharePoint.

TeleResult documents labelled as “Commercial in Confidence” are frequently used for any material prepared and issued to clients such as contract proposals, meeting minutes etc. 

What does “Internal Use Only” mean and how to use it

The classification of a document as “Internal Use Only”, applies when 


  • Classification criteria: This is used when unauthorised access to information may cause damage and/or inconvenience to TeleResult. 

  • Storage: Copies of sensitive documentation must not be stored in SharePoint. they can however be stored in a user's corporate OneDrive. All documents must be labelled with "Internal Use Only".

  • Access restriction: Information can not be released to a third party under any circumstances.

TeleResult Document templates

To assist staff in understanding when to label documents in this way, a series of internal templates have been developed and are available on SharePoint under Templates --> Office Templates 

These templates come supplied with “commercial in confidence” pre-set in the document footer. 

By using these templates, staff will be acting to protect their documents from release to unauthorised individuals or third parties.

Change Control

Initial draft 9th August 2022Geoff Mullins
Minor update9th August 2022Geoff Mullins
Major content update20th August 2022David Street