
The timely and accurate on-boarding and off-boarding of staff with TeleResult and its subsidiary partners Teckcraft and AusBangla (OSS) is a critical aspect of ensuring information security in the company.


The TeleResult ISMS framework in Control A.9.2 – User Access Management has as its objective to ensure approved user access and avoid unauthorised access to systems and facilities.


This solution is based on the TeleResult ISMS Control A.9 – Access Control Policy.  The content of this TeleResult ISMS document is reviewed bi-annually and therefore it is important also ensure that you are referring to the most current information.

Background to the use of the checklists to ensure information security

In order to meet the stated objective, a systematic process of user registration and de-registration was required.


TeleResult’s approach in this regard is by use of checklists to enable the on-boarding and off-boarding of any individual. 


The checklists will enable or remove access to the network and specific applications relevant to the role being undertaken by the individual.


The responsibility for initiating either checklist is with the Direct Manager of the individual who will coordinate the required actions to be undertaken by specific  staff within the company. 

Once all required actions are completed, a signed copy of the checklist must be provided to the Manager Compliance as part of the “evidence” repository within our ISMS.

 Additional actions within the Exit Checklist for staff with elevated access

Specific staff within TeleResult are granted additional high-level access to critical business systems based on their requirement undertake maintenance tasks on these systems. Such roles include Server Support Officer, Head of Development, General Manager amongst others.


Due to the importance of these systems, should any individual with high level system access leave the company, immediate action must be taken to revoke their access or in some cases to undertake system password changes. 

Where do I find the current versions of the Entry and Exit Checklist forms?

Both checklists are held within SharePoint under the Information Security Library  in the folder entitled On-Boarding and Off-Boarding forms.


TeleResult Staff On-Boarding Checklist

TeleResult Staff Off-Boarding Checklist


Who By


Initial Draft 

Geoff Mullins
